The worldwide market, increasingly researching alternative energies, requires plants to manage the whole natural gas process, starting from the extraction Onshore as well as Offshore, to the liquefied natural gas regasification (LNG), Boil Off Gas recompression, storage, compression in the gas pipelines to the distribution to the final client.
Since the methane exploitation in Polesine (Italy) during the Fifties and the methane pipeline from Patagonia to Buenos Aires in the Sixties, Dott. Ing. Mario Cozzani s.r.l. has been customizing and supplying valves suitable for compressors operating in the different applications of the natural gas industry. Currently, more and more LNG systems abroad are equipped with Cozzani valves, thanks to the Small Scale LNG plants world wide diffusion.
Suction, discharge and concentric valves are used with metal or thermoplastic plate or ring sealing elements that are well performing and reliable in time. Compressor valves have to meet higher and higher extreme working conditions, with cryogenic temperatures, suction pressure variation, capacity variation or presence of impurities. Another very common application is the loading of Compressed Natural Gas in vehicle fueling stations, where 3-4-5 stage compressors at 1800 rpm reach discharge pressure of 350 bar.