Dr. Eng. Mario Cozzani startes the business of designing and manufacturing of valves for reciprocating compressors


Beginning of a large production of valves for methane gas extraction compressors


Designing of valves with dampening rings and self-lubricating guides. Designing and production of valves for polypropylene at 850 bar.


1962: First big supply of valves, for the Argentinian methane pipeline from Patagonia to Buenos Aires.


1965 - 1968: Designing and standardization of all the valves for a leading compressor manufacturer in Oil & Gas application.


1974: The original name, Motominima, is changed with the present name of the founder: Dott. Ing. Mario Cozzani s.r.l.


1975: Moving the factory from La Spezia to the industrial area of Arcola (SP), Italy.


1980: Set up a valve overhaul service shop for the end users with OEMs collaboration.

1983: Beginning of the production of suction regulators and other patented valves for screw compressors.

1986: Developing of the present range of elastic plate valves with dampening plates.


1988: Developing of a proprietary software for the dynamic simulation of valve shutters behaviour.

1990: Beginning of valve production for marine compressors.

1991: Beginning of valve production with plates and rings made of PEEK TM material.


1996: The Engineering Department is equipped with modern software systems: CFD and FEM . The Quality Management System is certified in accordance with the ISO 9001 Standard.

1999: Set up the R&D department.


2000: Designed and patented CC valve with special plate and rings shape. Designed and patented Rotary valve. Start- up of service shop activities in Sicily, Italy.

2003: The Environmental Management System is certified in accordance with the ISO 14001 Standard.


2005: SNC valve designed and patented.

2006: Patented the innovative stepless capacity control system: FluxtoFlow TM

2008: Founded Cozzani (Beijing) Compressor Valves Co. Ltd in China.

2009: Qualified to supply poppets forHypercompressors (up to 3.000 bar).


2010: Start-up of Service Shops activities in USA and Brasil.

2011: Railway market entry.

2012: Start-up of Service Shop activities in Germany.

2013: New sealing material for higher valve reliability.

2014: New shaped ring valves for high efficiency and pressures SR type.


2015: First FluxtoFlowTM installation in China.

2018: Start-up of Service Shop activities in Mexico.

2019: The ultimate efficiency valve for energy saving (SRPLUS type)


2020: Start-up of Service Shop activities in Malaysia.

2020: The first FluxtoFlow™ installation in Russia.

2022: ISO45001 certified.

2023: Start-up of Service Shop activities in Canada.