A message from the Managing Director Francesca Cozzani
The year 2021 is for Dott. Ing. Mario Cozzani S.r.l. a special year, it is the year in which 75 years have passed since the beginning of its activity. Founded in La Spezia immediately after the Second World War, like many other small businesses born in those years, Dott. Ing. Mario Cozzani s.r.l. gave its small contribution to the rebirth of the Country: a small piece of a greater work, in a choral effort that has allowed the Italian manufacturing to be the seventh globally and second in Europe.
The year 2021 is for Dott. Ing. Mario Cozzani S.r.l. a special year, it is the year in which 75 years have passed since the beginning of its activity. Founded in La Spezia immediately after the Second World War, like many other small businesses born in those years, Dott. Ing. Mario Cozzani s.r.l. gave its small contribution to the rebirth of the Country: a small piece of a greater work, in a choral effort that has allowed the Italian manufacturing to be the seventh globally and second in Europe.
Engineer Mario Cozzani was not only the founder of the Company, but he traced the guidelines of a path intended to go far beyond the path he travelled. The second generation benefited from this and was able to strengthen this reality in the international context. Today Cozzani is globally recognized for its high quality and reliable products, but also -and perhaps even more for its mission that puts first the creation of value for its Customers through collaboration and fairness in the business, thereby cultivating longterm relationships with mutual benefit.
The third generation has joined the company and is promoting further innovation, essential for fully entering the digital age, both in terms of processes and products. Many people have been and are part of the team. Many have succeeded in this mission, often working for Cozzani throughout their working life. Each of them has contributed to the sake of the Company, which is now an asset that has assumed a value in itself over time. Cozzani is a value for all its stakeholders: not just the family, which owns and manages it, but also, and above all, the employees, who work there with dedication at any level, the Customers, who steadily rely on us, and the supply chain we feed with purchases and services. Our thanks goes to each of them: employees, customers and collaborators. Thank you for contributing to the success of Cozzani, a common good.
Looking back at our history we recall many remarkable applications that relied on our solutions: from the transatlantic Andrea Doria to modern cruise ships, from Navy ships to mega container ships, from Polesine gas wells to methane distributors on the motorway networks, from the Patagonian gas pipeline to distributors in Pakistan, from refineries in the Middle East to offshore wells in the Gulf of Guinea, from plastics production plants to bottling plants for water bottles, from oxygen production plants to biodigesters releasing biogas, from the gasification of drinks to the production of photovoltaic panels, and much more could work thanks also to a Cozzani valve. A small piece of technology for great projects.
We have faced and overcome many challenges in these 75 years. Even today we face a challenge, perhaps the most important: the transition from an economy based on oil to a sustainable economy based on renewable sources. We do not yet know how this evolution will take place but for sure natural gas and hydrogen will play a fundamental role. The ability to adapt shown by the company in the years will be essential to embark on new growth paths. Thanks to its 75 years of experience and thanks to all of you, Cozzani is ready to face the challenges of the future.
Cav. Lav. Francesca Cozzani